Homework Policy
Homework is one of the strategies that teachers use to reinforce concepts and skills that students have learned in the classroom. Accordingly, teachers will require regularly assigned homework based upon classroom instruction and students will be held accountable for completing homework. In assigning homework, the teacher will take into consideration the PUSD board policy, the student's age, instructional needs, instructional levels, and family resources. Teachers will prepare and plan the homework assignments as carefully as they would ideally prepare and plan any classroom activity. Homework will be assigned by teachers Monday through Thursday.
Purpose of Homework:
- To practice skills or reinforce knowledge that has been learned in the classroom in order to help students master a specific skill;
- To reflect on what was learned in the classroom;
- To be used as a way for students to prepare for future classroom activities; and
- To transfer knowledge and extend skills learned in one content or subject area to another situation.
Academic grades reflect multiple measures of student performance and the achievement of a specific learning objective. Since homework is a route to achieve mastery, students in elementary school will not receive a homework grade; however, they will receive credit for returning completed homework.
The student should be able to complete the homework assignment on his or her own in a reasonable amount of time. Teachers shall assess how long they believe the homework should take and parents/guardians should provide feedback to the teacher if their student is unable to complete the assignment within the time estimated by the teacher. Teachers will use the following guidelines as a maximum amount of homework per day, Monday through Friday:
- Kindergarten: 10 minutes, plus 15 minutes of reading
- First Grade: 20 minutes, plus 15 minutes of reading
- Second Grade: 20 minutes, plus 15 minutes of reading
- Third Grade: 30 minutes, plus 20 minutes of reading
- Fourth Grade: 40 minutes, plus 20 minutes of reading
- Fifth Grade: 40 minutes, plus 20 minutes of reading
Accommodations will be made for students with special needs, in accordance with the students' Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Home and School Connection:
Student Responsibilities…
- Take home assignments and all necessary materials.
- Demonstrate pride in homework by doing their best work and working independently, before asking for help.
- Return completed homework in a timely manner.
Parent Responsibilities…
- Establish a regular time for your child to complete homework.
- Provide support and supervision necessary to see that your child completes homework in a timely manner.
- Either read to your child or provide a time every day for pleasure reading.
Teacher Responsibilities...
- Make sure assignments are meaningful and clearly explained to the students.
- Collect homework, check for learning.
- Communicate with parents about homework progress through phone calls, notes, or homework alerts.