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Altadena Arts Magnet strives to keep our families informed about school activities through a variety of methods:  

Facebook: Our facebook page is maintained by our staff. It has photos and reminders that help families stay connected to Altadena Arts. and our parent connection group at

Foyer and Parent Room Display: There are TV monitors in the foyer and parent room with digital information that includes upcoming dates and announcements.

Peachjar: On our website you can sign up to receive digital flyers through the “Peach Jar” link. Electronic versions of flyers are posted under the “PeachJar” tab on the website.

Phone Messages: Principal Scheckel, sends out a recorded phone call to all Altadena families each Sunday evening at 5:00 pm during the school year highlighting events and important announcements for the upcoming week at Altadena. We ask that families please do not call the classrooms directly from 8:00 am - 2:15 pm to protect instructional time.

Room Parents: Each classroom has a room parent who plays an important communication and coordination role between families and the teacher. If you would like to serve as a room parent, please contact the PTA.

S'more: Principal Scheckel posts and emails a weekly digital flyer called Cougar News every weekend during the school year.

Tuesday Folders: Each week folders with flyers and announcements for the week are sent home. Be sure to ask your child for the folder so that you do not miss out on important information. It is important to check your child’s folder daily. Please be sure that it returns to school each day.

Twitter Reminders: Our Twitter page is also maintained by staff and highlights photos and tweets about the awesomeness that is Altadena Arts Magnet.

Website: Our website contains a variety of information about the school and its policies as well as a calendar of events that is updated on a regular basis.